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Leal Domínguez
Area of Social Service:
to be determined.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2022
Lara Peralta
Area of Social Service: Calculation of yields and investments like crowdfunding and real - state.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2019
De La Rosa Cortes
Area of Social Service: Multimedia content production for entrepreneurial cluster.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2019
Sandra Patricia
Cerda Guerra
Area of Social Service: Design and development of Industrial Physics Engineering Postgraduate program app.
Semester: Jan-Jun 2019
Sheila Cristina
Cordero Segovia
Area of Social Service: Determination of concentration of methane gas by interference in optical fibers.
Semester: Jan-Jun 2019
Moreno Rodríguez
Area of Social Service: Design and development of Industrial Physics Engineering Postgraduate program app.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2018
Esdras Alejandro
Faustino Martínez
Area of Social Service: Design and development of Industrial Physics Engineering Postgraduate program app.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2018
Facundo Mendoza
Area of Social Service:Calculation of yields and investments like crowdfunding and peer to peer.
Semester: Jan-Jun 2018
Ricardo de Jesús
Cortés Navarro
Area of Social Service:Design and development of Industrial Physics Engineering Postgraduate program app.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2017
García Camacho
Area of Social Service: Design and development of IndustrialPhysics Engineering Postgraduate program app in Android and IOS system.
Semester: Jan - Jul 2017
Eloy Alaint
Castillo Sandoval
Area of Social Service: Design PIFI advertising campaign.
Semester: Aug - Dic 2016
Angel Mario
Rodríguez Rodríguez
Area of Social Service: Design and development of IndustrialPhysics Engineering Postgraduate program app in Android and IOS system.
Semester: Jan - Jul 2016
Juan Román
Martínez López
Area of Social Service: Study and development of a sensor for determining the thickness of barium titanate layers.
Semester: Aug - Dic 2015
Abraham Alejandro
Quiñones Flores
Area of Social Service: Study of optical fiber tapers as pressure sensors.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2019
Gutierrez Mora
Area of Social Service: Design PIFI advertising campaign.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2019
Jonathan Jared
Rivera Martinez
Area of Social Service: Calculation of yields and investments like crowdfunding and real - state.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2019
Mónica Patricia
Montemayor Valdez
Area of Social Service: Design PIFI advertising campaign.
Semester: Jan-Jun 2019
Carlos Isaac
Gómez Villegas
Area of Social Service: Determination of concentration of methane gas by interference in optical fibers.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2018
María Paula
Niño Sánchez
Area of Social Service: Design PIFI advertising campaign.
Semester: Aug-Dic 2018
Juan Antonio
Ordóñez Torres
Area of Social Service: Calculation of yields and investments like crowdfunding and peer to peer.
Semester: Jan-Jun 2018
Brenda Lucía
Area of Social Service: Design and development of Industrial Physics Engineering Postgraduate program app.
Semester: Jan-Jun 2018
Carrion Godinez
Area of Social Service: Design PIFI advertising campaign.
Semester: Jan - Jul 2017
Juan Carlos
Sosa Jara
Area of Social Service: Design and development of IndustrialPhysics Engineering Postgraduate program app in Android and IOS system.
Semester: Aug - Dic 2016
Gilberto Emanuel
Espejel Olivares
Area of Social Service: Design and development of IndustrialPhysics Engineering Postgraduate program app in Android system.
Semester: Aug - Dic 2016
Roberto Josafat
Rojas Solis
Area of Social Service: Design PIFI advertising campaign.
Semester: Jan - Jul 2016
Díaz Reyna
Area of Social Service: Design and development of IndustrialPhysics Engineering Postgraduate program app in Android and IOS system.
Semester: Aug - Dic 2015
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